Our Services


Service 2


Provide corporations and individuals skill development and skill enhancement opportunities to improve service delivery, foster trust, build teams, and maintain and grow their client base.


Cultural Humility

Provide an overview of a variety of cultural contexts that practitioners may consider in the delivery of products and services.  This includes but is not limited to the following:  language, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identification and orientation, religion, abilities, and literacy.  Also, provide strategies for practitioners to use in engaging their clients with products and services.  Standard trainings available include:

BaFa BaFa:

This is a cultural simulation where participants are divided into two different groups that learn their own respective cultures, Alpha and Beta.  Each member of a group will spend some time trying to navigate the culture of the other group.  Afterwards, both groups are united to debrief about their experiences and then are lead in a discussion about its application in their respective work contexts.  Strategies for approaching the issues and challenges identified are also provide during the discussion. 

Cultural Humility in Practice:

This provides participants with basic knowledge of cultures in the United States, approaches to consider when engaging these cultures, and interactive opportunity to apply the approaches using case studies or scenarios. Group and Facilitator feedback during the activity is used to strengthen participant confidence in engaging individuals of culturally diverse backgrounds.

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Standards (CLAS):

This provides participants an overview of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health practice standards regarding culture and language. Practical applications of each standard with scenarios and other examples are used to further illustrate and clarify the principle of the standard.

Implicit (Unconscious) Bias

Define what is implicit bias and why it is important in influencing the bottom line of a corporation. Also, provide tools and ways that biases may be identified as well as managed by individuals and businesses.


Provide an overview of the roles and responsibilities of those serving on a non-profit board of directors. Provide specific examples of the importance of fiscal oversight, policy development and review, and fundraising. Provide distinction of governance roles versus staff roles in non-profit organization.